The Prairie wife is not just about clothes. it is a stance we have made over the last 3+ years. it is a lifetime of beliefs and values.
its is being kicked out of stores. being denied healthcare for our children. It is selling our home to move to the country. about fighting for our god given right to move freely.
it is about showing our children that they deserve a life free of mandates, restrictions and tyranny.
I have stood by the expression “my children are my hill” and i will stop at nothing to protect them.
I am grateful you all are here. I hope you feel the passion that goes into each item that is created. But more so, I hope you all continue to rise up and speak your truth. Wear it proud. Say it with confidence and conviction.
our children do not belong to the government. Our livelihoods shall not be infringed upon. and we will continue to live a glorious and free life.
so help me god.